As for the least important finger, most people guess the pinkie would hardly be missed but that's not necessarily so. The fourth and fifth digits are both vital for lifting and controlling tools like shovels, mops, and brooms. The middle finger seems a likely candidate for "least" but if your middle finger were amputated, it would be difficult to hold small objects like coins in your hand. They would simply fall through the gap and this would be decidedly inconvenient. According to the folks at my local hand clinic, unless you are a musician or have some other particular professional need for your index finger, it is probably the one least likely to be missed. Your middle finger can easily take over most functions of the second digit. Esthetically, a missing index finger is less noticeable than the absence of the middle or ring fingers. Personally, I'm rather attached to all of my digits and hope they'll stay right where they are!
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